An Invitation: Sunday Service Schedule Feedback
Dear Parish Family,
Last May I shared with you that through prayerful discernment the decision was made to explore a shift in our Sunday schedule - one which would reflect a more communal worship experience. I appreciate all the incredible feedback and enthusiasm for the endeavor. Being together every Sunday has truly been a celebration, including the challenges and opportunities that change brings.
Since September 10th, our Sunday mornings have included an 8:00 am Rite I service, breakfast in the Great Hall, Formation for all ages from 9:10 to 10:00 am, and a 10:15 am Rite II service (including Children’s Chapel).
I want to honor my commitment to provide regular opportunities for feedback. With that in mind, I invite you to complete a short and simple reflection form, which will give us helpful thoughts and perspectives regarding our current model. All feedback will be presented to the Rector and Vestry and are vital to the development of our worship time together.
I will share decisions regarding a more permanent schedule at our Annual Parish Meeting, which will take place following a combined 9:00 am service on Sunday, January 28th, 2024. Such decisions will take effect in the fall of 2024. In the meantime, we will keep our current schedule through this program year, up to Memorial Day weekend. At that time we will shift into our summer schedule, as Mount Lebanon Chapel opens for the season. More to come on that.
Please know that I am always open to a conversation with you, the form is for convenience and reflection. In addition, you are welcome to speak with one of our wardens (contacts below).
I look forward to reading through your comments, and I hope and pray that this season of Advent brings much joy and peace and health to you and your beloved.
Leslie Jarrett, Senior Warden
Alex Murchison, Junior Warden