The Verger Team
Have you noticed a new role within our worship in the past year? Someone organizing our processions? Someone dressed in black and grey? Someone carrying a wooden stick topped by a cross? This role is called a verger, and as of this Sunday, this ministry has been a part of our Sunday worship for one full year!
Now that we’ve reached this one-year anniversary, let’s revisit why we have vergers and what they do: While this ministry is still relatively new to our parish, vergers have a long history in the Church. According to the Episcopal Church, a verger is “a lay minister who assists the clergy in the conduct of public worship, especially in the marshaling of processions… The history of the verger dates back to the Middle Ages when the verger was the “Protector of the Procession.” The role is primarily found in Anglican/ Episcopal churches and is rooted specifically in our tradition.
Here at St. James, vergers serve at our 10:15 AM services, special occasions such as Christmas and Holy Week, and other services as needed.
In all cases, vergers help clergy organize and facilitate our worship, such that everyone who enters our doors will encounter engaging and holy worship to the glory of God.
Vergers are common to churches like St. James, and for good reason—there are a lot of people serving each Sunday in different roles! The responsibilities of the vergers include: checking in with clergy, acolytes, lectors, and Eucharistic ministers before services; organizing processions; assisting with communion stations, and more. So, if you’re ever serving in a worship service, please check in with the verger beforehand! While they will be vested for services, this role is far more practical than ceremonial, and it is far more behind-the-scenes than front-and-center.
We are especially grateful to our verger team—a group of parishioners who have boldly and humbly stepped into this role over the past year—for their leadership and service.
Have more questions? Don’t hesitate to ask the clergy. And even better, ask a verger!
Yours in Christ,
The Rev. Joseph G. Hodsdon
Tags: Vergers / Worship Ministries / Letters from Leadership and Clergy